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Sukkot (10/17/2024)

Shalom All

A few weeks ago we came out of Egypt, we were invited to the Mountain of God, He offered us His Ketuba, He offered us marriage, we all said we will do and we will Hear. After 40 years we were invited to the promised land, we have been commanded to rehearse God's HOLY Days from that time until the King of Kings returns to His own. This is the season of gathering, Hebrews and Gentiles become one under Gods Sukkah. Tonight is the beginning of Sukkot for 7 days.

Tomorrow we will meet in the Sukkah for prayer and Rabbi Natan will address the meaning of the Lulav, I pray everyone shows up in God's Sukkah for prayer and fulfilling the Torah.

Shabbat Shalom.

Rabbi Itzhak Levy



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